Official Site:
Hello everybody,
When I was about to close my connection with the rest of the world, then come out of nowhere I have received a donation from unknown source. Which mean there is at least one entity is still have some faith and believe in me as the legendary world savior.
For those who have followed me since my first blog at angel…..wordpress, you will understand that I never ever asked for any kind of donation until last 30 days or so.
At the moment the only official web page I posted and share my content, my knowledge is at forum
But I want to reopen a wordpress blog site so more people will know and able to receive equal opportunity to receive the blessing.
All that reasons combined tell me the true real savior Messiah Buddha that I need to send out the knowledge people are really seeking for.
So from now, beside the free uncensored blog at, I will share my contents my knowledge at blog
The content will be wide, diversity and but focus on humanity, geopolitical, economy, money, ascension, but I can answer and give insight on any subject/topic readers want to hear.
Believe in me as the real savior, for nobody have gut to self-claim that title unless that is the truth.
The real will remain, the fake one will vanished.
Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Saoshyant Buddha Udumbara Flower
The Moon Calling – The Sun Hearing – The Gods Of Destruction – The Master Of Creation – The King Of Evolution