Is Officially Closed Forever From Now, Bye, The Savior
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Date Posted:05-04-2020 08:44:23Copy HTML

A Big Judgement Day & Many Changes Awaiting All Entities After The Corona Virus NCOV Event

No matter what the final result and outcome, there will one thing for sure is that many big changes and judgement awaiting all entities after everything in-control.

The beast corona virus NCOV was and are still unmasking the “wrong” stuffs of this civilization to the public, so we can have a better, fairer life for all.

I can see some entities going to disappear or at least lost the major influence like the WHO, the Chinese Vietnamese Communist Party, World Bank, WTO, etc.

And we will see many big change and fairer rules & laws for all like:
– The new additional financial & economic system.
– The final settlement of land conflict in many region in the world.
– New education season schedule & timetable in many nations.

Some examples like:
– The central banks & government of major top 20 nations are not allowed to “set” the rate of money currency between them.
– Worker can receive their salary every week or twice per month.
– Education season begin date will base on each nation’s culture rather than the current table where most start in August and end in May.

All words and actions from all entities during the corona virus NCOV event will be judged later. There will be a big judgement day for all entities who have direct involve especially the decision maker at the top.

An exciting time is awaiting everybody and probably new era is coming, but you must stay survive first before even talk about it.

Best Regard,
The Savior

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